Tax Calculators
These tax calculators are provided as an additional service to our visitors and clients. Please consult with a licensed accountant or CPA in your area.
1040 Tax Estimator – How much income tax will you pay? Use this calculator to help determine your tax bill for next April.
Self-Employment Taxes - If you are self-employed, operate a farm or are a church employee use this calculator to determine your self-employment taxes.
Marginal and Effective Tax Rates – Use this calculator to find out the tax liability impact of that unexpected income, IRA draw or investment income. This calculator will help you estimate your effective tax rate, your current tax bracket and your marginal tax rate.
Payroll Deductions - Use this calculator to help you determine the impact of changing your payroll deductions.
Required Minimum Distribution - The IRS requires that you withdraw at least a minimum amount – known as required minimum distribution (RMD) – from your retirement accounts annually starting the year you reach 70 ½. Use this calculator in your retirement planning.
Earned Income Credit (EIC) Calculator - Use this calculator to determine if you qualify for the Earned Income Credit and if so, how much it might be worth.